Monday, July 2, 2018

A tiger in your tank

Fred Rogers has not been forgotten, what with a new documentary out in theaters. This is a lovely little clip, revealing that the whole matter of using puppets - a defining feature of his show - was more or less a happy accident.

Daniel Striped Tiger was always a special character for me. It's hard to articulate exactly why. I think it has something to do with the juxtaposition of an archetypically fierce and fearsome animal with a bashful personality. We all contain multitudes.


susan said...

This is a lovely little piece. Mr. Rogers was always our favourite television show for children - mostly because you always trusted his honesty and kindness were real.

It's funny to discover he'd never intended to use puppets until he was given Daniel - then he rediscovered his childhood puppets. What a good story.

Ben said...

He was the best. You never doubted that his heart was in the right place. As I recall he was also a very good sport about being kidded by Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, et al.

Part of being creative - and a difficult part, or at least it can be - is being open to ideas that you didn't have before. He was open like that.