Saturday, July 14, 2018

Bear with me here...

The saying that "Tomorrow is another day," is meant to be hopeful. You can change, you can do something different tomorrow. And it is uplifting.

Of course by that time "tomorrow" is "today." And I don't think I'm alone in feeling more limited today.

I think it would be good to keep a "tomorrow" attitude "today" so that you can act freely, not be locked in. That's something I'd like to do.

Maybe tomorrow.

ETA: Will y'all be around Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning or afternoon? You know who you are. :)


semiconscious said...

have emailed my comment. blogspot doesn't seem to've liked it, & scrubbed it twice. oh, well...

susan said...

Depends on the time Tues - I have a dentist appt at noon.
Wed. fine all day. :)