Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The hard-hitting content you come here for

 Passed a bakery cafe today. Since a lot of places have been bribed and/or threatened into closing their doors for the next couple of weeks, I thought I'd have a look-in. Wasn't sure what if anything to get until I saw they had fudge brownies. Brownies, that is, with fudge frosting on top. Not necessarily something I'd indulge in every day, but destiny had brought us together.

No walnuts, which is fine. Walnuts always strike me as the most generic nut. They've got an interesting look―kind of like a flattened brain―but not a great deal of flavor.


susan said...

Some treats taste better when they're unexpected. I'm not a big fan of walnuts either but because they're somewhat bitter I think is the reason they're used in highly sweet desserts. Walnut shells are kind of interesting to look at too.

Ben said...

Bitter doesn't really bother me. It's probably more of a texture issue.

You're right that they have an interesting look, though. And it seems that some artists have made good use of them.