Friday, December 25, 2020


 Today was, of course, Christmas. Now I'd say I had things to be thankful for. At the same time, it was a hemmed-in day. It rained hard as long as the sun was up. Everything was closed because it was Christmas, and much of the world is shut down in general now. So going anywhere wasn't much of an option.

This will be different tomorrow. Boxing Day. A time to start over.


susan said...

We were lucky that during a brief reprieve from the rain our walk took us along the harbor breakwater where we noticed a guy swimming (wondered if we were witnessing an escape from Washington). Three seals were following him and generally frolicking closer to shore. Maybe they were frustrated at him being so slow.

I hope today was a more entertaining one for you. With any luck next year may be different.

Ben said...

Not necessarily the time of year I'd expect to see someone swimming outside, although I know some people do. With seals, no less. I wonder if he was some kind of animal trainer.

The new year's first week has been eventful, you gotta give it that.