Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Get ready for magic realist humor 1

A woman walks into a hair salon. She says, "Give me feathers." The stylist slits open a pillow and gives her a handful of eiderdown.

Later, at home, she drops the feathers on a table. They spontaneously form a Proto-Elamite alphabet.


susan said...

I'm not sure the world is psychically advanced enough yet to fully appreciate magic realist humor. Do amusing moments in The Life of Pi count?

Meanwhile, I happened across a website that might interest you. It's pretty cool.

Ben said...

Well, I thought it was worth a shot. The amusing moments in Life of Pi are what I'd call "necessary comic relief." It stuns me that book became such a phemom while so many people missed how grim it is.

That is an interesting website. One good thing about the Internet that's faded in the past few years is the potential to create these weird passion projects and have them available to the world.