Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Whole Town's Sleeping

That's the title of a story by Ray Bradbury. One of his more devilish pieces.

It's also the truth. Even in fairly big cities, most people are asleep by a certain hour. So if you're awake, you're aware of an eerie silence, and every small noise.

Occasionally a car will go by. Someone's on their way to somewhere. But you don't know them, probably. You can fill in the blanks, though.


susan said...

She put her hand out to the light switch and stopped.
“What?” she asked. “What, what?”
Behind her in the living room, someone
cleared his throat.

Yikes. I don't remember having read this story before but it really is a good one. Bradbury was a master at composing sinister plots in the midst of a fantasy world of ordinary small town American life.

The fascinating thing about being awake late at night is that things that are only ordinary in daytime take on a mysterious quality.

Ben said...

Yeah, going back to Bradbury just about never disappoints me. He makes all these little scenes come vividly alive. I don't know if you remember seeing him on Groucho's show but it's a treat.

That's true. Diurnal seems to be our default state, so the sight and feel of things in the nighttime is elevated.