How rare is it to feel that your life, your very self, has no effect on anything or anyone? Probably more common than you'd think. But it's isolating. It's the kind of thing that, by definition, you don't imagine anyone else sharing.
And no, I don't know what you'd do about mice holding a bonfire in the middle of the den either.
It was Rudyard Kipling who described the feeling well when he said:
'We're all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding.
I guess it isn't rare at all.
As for the mice dancing around the bonfire I'm not surprised the cat is confused.
Kipling is remembered as an adventure writer and composer of patriotic verse, but not so much as a wit. Maybe he should be. Yes, there's a good deal of truth to those lines.
The little mouse bonfire is visually striking, if nothing else. Check out those shadows.
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