Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Welcome to the Passive-Aggressive Arms

There's a new hotel being built in Providence. I forget the exact chain right now, but it's a lesser known imprint of a brand you know. The plot it's being built on is about the area of a single hotel suite. That's the entire plot, by the way. It doesn't look like they'll have any grass around the place. What they will have is cars, because it's an island in the middle of a high traffic intersection. I'm thinking this will be the place businesses will put up executives whom they want to quit and who just aren't taking the hint.


susan said...

I wonder if they're planning a tunnel or bridge to the nearest
sidewalk? Nah, that would probably spoil the fun.

Ben said...

Maybe the idea is to charter a helicopter to the nearest sidewalk. It's the kind of business where you can name your own price. :)