Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Real Thing

You never know with people,

The beard fits, but otherwise his look, in both the suit and the body language, suggest an overworked home insurance salesman. Not the way I'd picture PKD.

Of course what he's talking about and the deadpan way he addresses it? Yeah, that I would have figured.


semiconscious said...

a prolific (if kinda mediocre) writer, gifted with an extraordinary 'headful of ideas that were driving him insane' (to paraphrase dylan), which's why he's every bit as enjoyable now as he ever was...

the visions of a madman, & the heart of a child. i only hope he found a bit of peace in his life. cuz he was most definitely on to something :) ...

Ben said...

A paraphrase from "Maggie's Farm", even. A song that hits just hard enough.

He was a scatterbrain writer, which sometimes fell flat and sometimes worked more brilliantly than he might have suspected. I like to think that he was happier in that last period than he had been the few years before it.