Sunday, March 30, 2008

Burn, baby, Brooklyn

Muchas gracias to the UK-based You Know, For Kids, here are some Flickr shots of the set of the Coen Brothers' upcoming Cold War movie Burn After Reading. Per the title of this post, much of the filming is being done in Brooklyn. let's see. On the one hand, Brad Pitt seems to be clean shaven, wearing a nice suit. To me, he usually does better when he's seedy and greasy. Of course he has to clean up when he's seen around town with Angelina, what are you gonna do? But for movies...

But George Clooney seems to have let himself go somewhat for this flick. Grey proudly showing, three days' beard. So it could balance out. Sounds like a movie worth gambling on, anyway.


susan said...

I just read the very brief plot summary and it sounds pretty interesting. Good cast too including Malkovich and McDormand - cool.

Ben said...

Yeah, Malkovich is usually (not all the time) fun to watch. I liked him as the mobbed-up Russian gambler in "Rounders."

susan said...

Speaking of actors and strange roles, last weekend we watched 'Snatch' again. It doesn't work as well as 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' but Brad Pitt as a Romany is pretty extraordinary.