Thursday, August 22, 2024

Knocked out of contention

This convention overview gives a pretty good view of what I'm guessing Joe Biden must have been feeling at the convention in Chicago. When the summer began I was convinced that the Democrats were going to stick it out with him. If I thought so he must certainly have believed it. As it happens that weird pre-GOP convention debate did him in. He must have a pretty long list of people he trusted and who did him in.

Now the party is left with Kamala and her campaign of Joy. Of course constantly invoking joy during an election where you're insisting―again―that democracy itself is at risk makes you look like those grown-ups on The Twilight Zone who always smiled because they didn't want that kid to wish them into the cornfield. And Trump is a threat because for all his faults, he's still recognizably human. His opponents have had to dust off Bill Clinton because he does sincerity better than anyone else. As in "If you can fake that you can fake anything."


susan said...

We both agree that Joe Biden likely feels hurt and angry for good reason after being dragged into the presidency to begin with (well past his real turn) and ended with the Democrats turning on him a few weeks ago. I doubt they even asked him who he might choose as a replacement candidate - not that he can necessarily even remember anyone's name these days. The emotions are the last to leave a senile dementia patient and Joe has always been an angry man.

Never mind Joy, it appeared as if the entirety of the Democratic Convention was no more than noise with overlapping speeches, music and far too much Hysteria.. As Jer said, the woman is running against herself.

Another interesting analysis of Kamala's speech is one on Spiked called You Can't Eat Vibes by Tom Slater.

I loved your reference to the Democrats resemblance to characters on The Twilight Zone.

Ben said...

It is a very weird situation. On paper he's still President, which is a powerful and important position. The Leader of the Free World as they call it, or used to. And he's been almost totally forgotten. Almost no one ever thinks of what he's doing, or what the behind-the-scenes bosses are doing through him. The presidency has become simply the object in a game of keep away with Trump, and Joe Biden's part in that game is over.

Ted Kennedy's campaign was famously crippled in an interview where he couldn't answer the question "Why do you want to be President?" Kamala has no idea why she wants to either, or perhaps even if she wants to. That should be a disqualifier, but now they seem to think it's irrelevant.

Slater has a point on her rapid turnarounds as to Biden's past. Of course the simplest explanation is that she didn't believe what she was saying the first time.

Rod Serling had a lot of insight and foresight, it seems.