Friday, December 23, 2022

Shivering into X-mas weekend

What is it that sailors say? "After the wind the rain"? Well, not today. The rain started last night, and went heavy all morning and into the afternoon. Then about 2:30 it stopped.

(Round the time I met the guy at the bus stop who looked a little like a slacker Rob Reiner and had apparently smoked whatever strain of weed makes you really chatty.)

The wind came afterwards, and a cold wind it is too. The weather widget on my computer says that it's 14 Fahrenheit. Good weather for sleeping if you can stay wrapped up.


susan said...

For the time being at least we can be thankful the snow storm that hit the center of the country didn't affect Providence. I know the real winter weather will come but it's best put off for another day. Of course, the fact the temperature went so low so fast isn't especially good news either.

We had a weird weather week here starting with a seriously cold day on Monday followed by two days of pretty solid snow. This being Victoria only the main streets got ploughed (which weren't any of those around here) and the neighbourhood sidewalks were mostly unshovelled. We haven't seen a mailman or truck since last Friday. So it's taking time to melt - as only rain can do the job and that's what's been happening since yesterday.

I hope you haven't been affected by any rolling blackouts. Staying well wrapped up is good advice in or outdoors.

A chatty stoned Rob Reiner, eh?

Ben said...

Thus far we haven't had more than a dusting of snow. What we've been having this past week is high temperatures for the season, springlike, at least during the day. It drops at night but not all that far. Maybe a little below freezing. It's a weird winter but as you say, it'll hit sooner or later.

It's too bad that they don't seem prepared to deal with snow in Victoria. Or maybe they're just unwilling. Two days of snow might get pretty heavy but it can be whipped into shape if you plow. I hope that at the very least you've started getting mail delivery since this comment.

Thus far no rolling blackouts, at least as far as I know. I have to wonder how those affect some buildings with alarm systems. Does everything go haywire when the power comes back on?

Was a mixture of the beard and gap teeth, I guess. Gave me a weird "what might have been" feeling.