Wednesday, August 3, 2022

For I am a jealous god

Today in "Authoritarian Mainstream Culture Killing the Counterculture and Dancing Around in Its Skin":

First Avenue, a storied Twin Cities nightclub, booked beloved comic and perennial cancellation target Dave Chappelle to do a set. Local wokesters, including some First Avenue employees, broke out into the usual hysterics. First Avenue cancelled the show with the kind of groveling apology that's also become familiar.

There's a kind of activist―really the dominant kind today, at least in terms of attention received―who's entire modus operandi can be boiled down to "me or him"? Do they actually conceive of life as a zero sum game? Their own portion of it, at least. So activism is geared towards making things more restrictive, punitive. What's old cannot be allowed to stand, especially if there are people who still enjoy it.

Liberal authority figures operate under the hilarious pretense that they're more open, so they'll try to placate extreme and unreasonable demands, at least from their own side of the aisle. Activists demand more punishment for the heretics, and so the dance continues.

But people notice. If you're outside of this dynamic you can't help but notice that your values are not only discarded, but actively demonized. So all First Things have succeeded in doing is alienate some who may have thought well of them before. If trouble arises, CBGB's fate of going broke and reopening as a clothing boutique may look enviable.


susan said...

I was glad to read a theatre nearby was able to add an extra show to accomodate the people who'd bought tickets. The saying 'get woke, go broke' is becoming more relevant every day. It's pretty obvious a number of the people at that protest have been driven mad - perhaps permanently. Great lies have been employed to convince the clueless and the willfully stupid that their antagonism to anyone who expresses an opinion other than the ones allowed about any given issue is not just their right but their obligation.

This certainly looks like another example of the US is in terminal decline. It's hard not to conclude that some powerful force with a sinister agenda is behind the sudden promotion of transgenderism, a vicious psychological attack on the gender identity of 98% of society.

I think that for a good long while most people simply ignored the controversy because they didn't want to offend an obvious minority. However, as things have continued to escalate it's becoming more obvious just how silly and spiteful, this faction happens to be. The smart money has moved on and, yes, there will be yet another dollar store where First used to be unless, on the other hand, there are some firings.

Why do people think they own the places where they work? I don't recall thinking that when I was employed.

ps: I loved your subtitle.

Ben said...

Yeah, the other theatre both did well and did good. The groveling on the part of places like First Avenue has gotten pretty hard to take, though. The sincerity of an apology doesn't really matter, which is tied up with why no one ever bothers to keep them in proportion. And as far as dealing with protesters, they don't help. The protesters don't consider the rights of those who disagree with them.

I am fine with adults of whichever biological sex deciding they want to live as the opposite sex. Children are different, since their brains are still forming and they're at their most impressionable. So of course, of course, the federal government throws its weight behind childhood transition.

Yes, it's one thing to want to contribute ideas at work. It's another thing all together to want your employers to indulge every caprice and compulsion that you have, at the expense of the business's actual purpose. That's where you start to see windows being boarded up.

And thank you. Yeah, it's just an impression I got from this event and others.