Sunday, December 12, 2021


There have been nights in the past when I've written in this blog after taking the kind of cold medicine that knocks you out, and been well on the way to unconsciousness. And the next day I'd look at what I'd posted, and found it to be gibberish, whatever I'd had in my mind while writing it. That's not what I'm doing now.

Or is it?

Suppose what you were reading right now were just a random jumble of words. Suppose you had interpreted it so intuitively that you couldn't even tell that it was basically nonsense.

Wouldn't that be WEIRD?


susan said...

Maybe weird and maybe not so long as you accept the intuitiveness of your readership. In the case I think I would be safe saying 'Gesundheit'.

Meanwhile, Jer asked me to send you this video of a Mike Wallace 60 Minutes episode he found today. It's about the US reaction to the Swine Flu in 1976. Some things haven't changed much at all.

Ben said...

Always good to have intuitive readers. Especially if you like making intuitive leaps yourself. "Gesundheit" much appreciated.

If anything has changed it's that back then they were only pushing a single injection, as opposed to what may turn out to be a lifetime subscription. A bit scary that the lady was paralyzed for months. People have short memories.