Saturday, December 4, 2021


For all intents and purposes it's winter now. In fact winter seems to have started before November ended. There are still some days when I can get away with my spring/fall jacket, but they're few and far between.

Just a little earlier tonight I heard the wind howling outside. It's an evocative sound, one that I can appreciate it. Of course it's better hearing it from indoors.


susan said...

Yes, colder here now too, but it never gets cold like it does on the east coast. When were were in Halifax we liked to keep the bedroom window cracked open at night. I can't say that experience made me fond of hearing the wind howl. Still, definitely better hearing it from inside.

btw: When we were talking I mistook Sun Yat-Sen, one of the chief leaders of what came to be known as the Boxer Rebellion and was in favor of modernizing China, with Chiang Kai-shek who relocated to Taiwan in 1949.

Ben said...

Winters on the east coast do seem to go a little bigger than those on the west. There seem to be a few different reasons for this, and while I don't fully understand all of them, it's an interesting topic. Mostly it doesn't bother me, but then I'm not likely to keep my window open at night if it's cold.

Somewhere in my brain I knew it was Chiang Kai-shek, but I can't say that I really noticed anything amiss. Sun Yat-Sen died earlier, in 1925. Wonder whether things would be different if he'd gotten the chance to modernize China his way.