Monday, May 10, 2021

Yay priorities

This article touches on a perverse government initiative adopted this year. The Restaurant Revitalization Fund focuses aid on struggling eateries, which sounds good. But at least for the first 21 days, the government is prioritizing businesses on the basis of gender, race, and ethnicity.

There's an amusing aspect to this. Business owners who are married on opposite sex lines might just temporarily hand over a certain portion of the business to their wives in order to make the establishment eligible for the grant. But that's not an option for everyone.

But at bottom this is unjust and unhelpful. Restaurant owners who are in trouble are in trouble―in I think more cases than not―because of government policy. Biden supported that policy, and governors aligned  with him imposed it. You can't take away people's livelihood and only provide help in getting it back when it suits your social agenda.


susan said...

This was an excellent article, one that covered a program I hadn't heard about previously. Government helping small businesses recover after the disastrous lockdowns of the past year is a good thing. Deciding who will be assisted first based on the sex or race of the owner rather than need is pandering to the social justice activist industry that is openly extortionistic and contemptuous of anybody outside of their ideology.

After the economic downturn in the wake of covid-19 the Democratic majority continues to prioritize woke related propaganda that posits all white males as natural oppressors of everybody else when the truth is that it's persistent effort that pays off in the long run, no matter one's identity.

Have you ever heard the term 'category grifters'? It's a concept I came across somewhere or other that refers to people who insist that because they belong to some category of humanity who have suffered awful things, they ought to be given goodies they themselves haven't earned.

I certainly agree with his conclusion and yours as well. Just as all lives matter, all people are worthy of respect.

Ben said...

Some level of help is probably necessary after the lockdowns. Unfortunately the government's actions show no real interest in doing what's needed to really make up for that time. It's a small group that's only been talking to each other.

There are two big problems with this plan. I've already raised one of them, which is that some people have had their businesses taken away, destroyed, and reduced to life support and now won't qualify for aid because they're the wrong race and sex. The other is that some of these businesses were providing goods and services in their communities that no one else will take up if they have to close.

Hadn't heard of category grifters, although it sounds like a real phenomenon. It's important to realize that these ideologies aren't that popular. California--a hugely diverse, deep blue state--held a referendum to revive affirmative action, and it got crushed.

In retrospect it's ominous how fast "All lives matter" got to be read as some kind of hate speech.