Wednesday, May 26, 2021


There's a certain kind of heat that just makes you drowsy as all get out. There has to be a high humidity for one thing. Little air movement. Anyway, that's what we got today. Made it fun to be carrying a sack full of laundry home, that's for sure.


susan said...

It's odd that here at the end of May the weather there is hotter and more humid than what you'd expect while here we're still wearing jackets when we go out and keep the windows almost completely closed at night. Hopefully that will change in both places soon.

Meanwhile, I came across a video the other day that struck me as something you'd enjoy too. It's particularly appropriate in view of what you've written.

Ben said...

Ha, I'd forgotten that I'd done another weather post so recently when I put up another one last night. Are you still in the relative cold spell? You might miss it when it's over.

That is a very cool video. Mixed media, a little watercolor and crayon with flashes of photographs and text. I wonder how a narrative film would look done in that style(s). Very much out of fashion now, alas.