Friday, April 2, 2021

Sherman's just rubbing it in now

 Interesting. Georgia passes a ballot reform act that, overall, seems like a curate's egg. Biden calls it "Jim Crow on steroids" and tells reporters he'd support Major League Baseball pulling the All Star Game out of Georgia. MLB immediately caves and does so. This despite both of the state's Democratic US Senators opposing the move, for the natural reason that losing the game punishes the state's people as a whole.

Hey, remember this time last year when we had a thoughtless President who would break the world by saying stupid shit in public. Man, thank God we don't have to deal with that anymore, right?


susan said...

That MLB decided to move the All Star Game out of Atlanta due to the State of Georgia passage of a voting reform bill appears to an act of cowardice. The fact it was ordered by "Biden" (the controllers and not the cabbage - term coined by Kunstler) is an act of contempt and is spiteful of fans in the extreme. The astonishing thing is their assurance that a majority of people will approve of their action when the opposite is far more likely to be true. Throwing gasoline on the bonfire of racial tension is crazy.

Baseball along with the other major league sports has been in serious trouble for years due largely to the huge player contracts that have made the cost of actually attending games next to impossible. Had the salaries of regular workers been at all proportional then perhaps multi-million dollar contracts would have been understandable, but that's not how things have gone and turning to streaming services and cable television hasn't helped.

Now the former president has added his take:
'It is finally time for Republicans and Conservatives to fight back—we have more people than they do—by far!" he added. "Boycott Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, ViacomCBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS, and Merck. Don’t go back to their products until they relent. We can play the game better than them.'

Like him or not at least you know you're hearing a real person when he states an opinion.

Ben said...

One of the things that bother me is that when Trump was President there were people in both government and private institutions--to the extent that they're actually separate--acting as counterweight. Sometimes this was stewardship, sometimes more like sabotage, but the plain fact is that he didn't get everything that he wanted. Biden's (or whoever) desires don't actually seem to be better thought out, but no one with power is offering up any resistance. If you're in the club you can get away with anything. As far as racial tension goes, I remember when the media seemed to be run by people who didn't actively want everything to be on fire. Good times.

It's true that professional sports games used to be more accessible to the people. Like, actually attending games was something the average person could do a couple of times a year, more if they lived in a big city--something else that has been priced out of the range of a large number of people. I'm sure that has cost some customer loyalty.

The Donald does a lot of tilting at windmills, but as George C. Scott said in the movie where he thought he was Sherlock Holmes, they might be giants. He speaks to a growing conviction among people of this country that things have gotten badly off-track, in a way that most politicians don't and that our current President doesn't seem able to conceive of.