Saturday, April 10, 2021

Mildly acidic news

 One simple item that can make life slightly more livable: a vinegar shaker. Not a dramatic change, I grant you, but an improvement.

This is because vinegar has roughly the same consistency as water. So trying to pour it directly from the bottle it came in, or the cap, or any other makeshift container means that you're likely to get too much on your food if you get any, and unevenly distributed. 

The vinegar shaker helps with that because it's got just a little hole in the top. It keeps everything from coming out at once. So, good recent acquisition for me.


susan said...

Keeping your eyes open for the simple solutions is a good thing in this world. I like your vinegar shaker.

We use sea salt that comes in a tubular container that has a shaker side and a pour out a bunch side. It's good to keep an eye out for which side is required at the time. A few weeks ago I bought a new pepper shaker, one of those glass jars, and it turned out the inside plastic shaker part had huge holes. Luckily I had my eyes open so when it was time to use some I noticed before ruining our meal - even more luckily I hadn't thrown a way the old one and was able to replace the faulty bit. Then there's the ever constant aggravation of the ketchup bottle.. you shake it harder and harder without result until finally a great dollop pour onto the plate. Haven't figured a way to avoid that one yet.

On a completely different subject you might find this article about curbing the powers of tech of interest. I liked Clarence Thomas's take: It changes nothing that these platforms are not the sole means for distributing speech or information. A person always could choose to avoid the toll bridge or train and instead swim the Charles River or hike the Oregon Trail.

Ben said...

Simple solution is right. The problem of course being how to get some vinegar on your food without drowning in it. Works well enough.

As soon as you described the sea salt container I had the same thought: those two sides are very different things. I think it would be easier to ruin your meal with a big heap of salt than with pepper. That is to say that with pepper you might be able to rectify things by brushing it off, although you'd be better off not having too. Salt seems more permanent, maybe because it's crystalline. As for ketchup I always use squeezable plastic bottles now, which are a little easier to control. Less aesthetically pleasing, though.

I did read that Bari Weiss article on tech. Tough subject, because at various points they're either catering to the government or pushing it around. Thomas makes good points, though, and is a better judge than I used to give him credit for.