Saturday, February 27, 2021

W for weird

 All the lights went out say 20-30 minutes ago. Noticed it first in my apartment of course, but then looked out the window and saw that the rest of the street was dark too, street lights included. But not the whole city, although that happened a few years ago. There was an electric company truck on the street, so I don't know if this was planned. Anyway, a few minutes ago we got power back.

Had been thinking of another topic for a blog post, but it was already getting kind of late for that one. In fact I was about to go to bed when we got the lights back. I figured I'd document that strange mini-blackout anyway.


susan said...

There's little more frustrating than having your lights go out and looking out the window to see them on further down the road. We went through a number of power outages when we lived in Halifax, some that lasted eight hours or more, but the odd thing about them was that we never lost power during storms; instead, they always occurred when nothing we could detect might have caused the problem - except for the time we found out later a car had crashed into a utility pole several blocks away.

So far, so good around here it's never happened (knock on wood). Maybe I should try to find the emergency candles and holders just in case..

Ben said...

I've lived in places with fragile wiring, so it didn't take much to overwhelm the circuits and shut everything down. Watching a movie while someone else was drying their hair, for example. I'm pretty sure where I live now is better where that's concerned. I live alone, obviously, but there are a bunch of apartments and I don't think we've had an outage that was caused by someone who lives here. Fire alarms are another story.

It might be good for me to pick up some candles and holders too. Thus far I've jut been using the rare blackouts as a chance to get out of the house.