Saturday, November 7, 2020

Putting the subject to bed

 I was out walking today after breakfast and a quick trip to the library. This was apparently around the time it became clear that Biden had enough states to take the presidency and it was all over but the shouting.

Then, of course, the shouting. Well, the cheering, really. A lot of hooting, honking of car horns, some people hitting pots with spoons. And you know what? Go for it. I'm not going to object to anyone feeling joy at the tail end of a year that seems to have become an expletive.

That said, if I never again encounter the sanctimony of so much of what came to be the anti-Trump campaign it will be too soon. It's been a very vapid and substance-free autumn.

Also, <i>Saturday Night Live</i>, you have, what, ninety cast members now? Get one of them to do Biden for you. Jim Carrey shows no sign of having any interest in it.


susan said...

Sanctimony pretty much says it all. I have a tendency to not discuss politics with friends I've known a for a while (as in a couple of people met through the blog who I exchange emails with but have never met in person). Anyway, although we agree about any number of subjects or may have stories and anecdotes to share I observe the advice given long ago not to discuss politics and religion. That being said I've had several people this last while feeling free to share remarks about horrible Donald Trump is along with sneering comments about how everything will be better from now on. As you know we have no love for the current Commander in Chief but at the same time we're not excited about the transfer at hand - something you're discussing at present.

Anyhow, two things to share with you. The first is an article written this week by Glenn Greenwald (the first major one after his escape from the Intercept).

The other is the mask demonstration. Ah well, as was said in a movie we love 'The dude abides'.

Ben said...

In The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce defines politics as "A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage."
Would I encourage everyone to have a high level of cynicism regarding the democratic process? Not necessarily. But it's no better, perhaps even worse, to believe that you're on the side of the angels and that your opponents are on the side of hell. And certainly Trump supporters have been subject to a lot of stereotyping and hostility. As for Joe Biden, it looks like some people are already getting buyer's remorse. Better to go in with your eyes open.

Greenwald is certainly right that some people want there to be a fascist dictatorship in this country. Or at least enough of an appearance of one so that they can look like big shots for opposing it.

The doctor conducting the mask study has a great radio voice. "My mask protects you and your mask protects me." LOL