Monday, November 23, 2020

Just cuz


To the extent that I have any reason for posting this one, it's just to show that humor is one of those things. Like, when I was a kid and heard this, much of the humor went over my head. Although I did get that "woke up this afternoon" was a contrast to the usual "...this morning." And the singer having two cars to begin with. But see? I'm going down a dangerous road. Analyzing humor rarely leads to funny results.


susan said...

How we react to humor is subjective, kind of like the old quote about obscenity that went, 'I can't define it but I know it when I see it.'

Martin Mull made me laugh as did the Firesign Theatre and the Pythons and so many more. We've talked about about this subject recently enough we don't need a long list of examples - and it would be long.

When we saw you'd posted Ukulele Blues this morning Jer wondered if you'd ever seen Martin Mulls and Fred Willard's History of White People in America. It was too long for me to watch it all but it definitely starts off well.

Ben said...

Ah yes, "I know it when I see it." Made famous by Justice Potter Stewart in an obscenity case before the Supreme Court. He's been mocked for it, but it's a genuinely dicey subject, and he did come down on the side of free speech.

Whether it's nature or nurture, I'm sure I've inherited some of your sense of humor. All three of those have made me laugh. There could be some other points of comedy we part on, but overall...

I think I first saw The History of White People in America with you. It was a long time ago, but some things have stuck with me.

Q: Which would you rather be, an astronaut or the bassist in a reggae band?
A: What's reggae?
(scientist smiles)