Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Finally someone said it

 On my appointed rounds today I saw a poster pasted to a lamppost. It was the swaddled figure of Maggie Simpson. Beside her was text reading "Smartphones are adult pacifiers."

This brightened my day, or at least my mood in the moment. I'd have a hard time saying why, exactly. It probably helps that the barb was pointed at passive thinking, surely a worthy target.


susan said...

That was a good one. We noticed something that did the same for us a while back when we passed one of the ubiquitous signs along the ocean path that tell you to 'stay safe, stay 2 meters apart'. Someone had added the quip, 'how's that working out for you?'

Considering how many people are being banned from social media for making non-socially acceptable comments maybe lamppost statements will soon return.

Ben said...

Those signs sound like they're a little on the annoying side. Can't say that I blame whoever chose to add their own little bon mot to it.

So much of social media is a series of timewasting arguments on things and people that you'd be better off not knowing about that getting banned might be a blessing in disguise. Especially when there are lampposts out there to tag. :)