Something I mulled over today.
If I initially wake up in the morning and I don't want to get up right away but know that I need to get moving pretty soon, it's better that I turn to face the left. On the other hand if I feel like I can sleep until I'm good and ready to rise I turn so I'm facing right. Now the way my room and my bed are oriented, left is north and right is south. What's the significance? I don't know, but that fact may have one.
Also left is the direction my clock radio is in, but this all happens even if it's not playing and isn't due to anytime soon.
That orientation means your head is to the west, same as ours are now. A long time ago I was advised that it's never optimal to sleep with one's head (or should I say pillow) to the north. More often than not what we've found with many places we've lived is that rule was impossible to follow. What with the placement of windows, radiators, doors and closets there was no other choice than north for the head of the bed.
As far as whether you find it more comfortable to sleep facing left towards your clock or on your right side, our guess would be that if you know you'll have to get up it's easier to sleep facing your clock so all you have to do is open an eye to see the time.
I wonder how much there is to the advice not to sleep with your head to the north. It's not something most of us would think of, usually. But there could be something: light, Earth's polarity, or any number of things. Of course in practice we're at the mercy of the people who design and construct the buildings we live in.
To be clear, I always face right when I go to sleep at night. Facing the other way just doesn't feel right. Maybe that's because it's easier to relax and go to sleep if you're not so aware of the time. It's a different story in the morning. If I have to be somewhere by a certain time - a condition I'm just coming back into - I switch over when I wake up, even as I may be hitting the snooze bar. If I can sleep in, I stay facing the other way.
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