Thursday, July 18, 2019

The end of an era (again)

This happens now and then. For whatever reason, I get a fever blister. Specifically on my upper lip. Since I know none of the ointments will make it better without making it a lot worse first, I just plan to not irritate it. Which means I stop shaving the upper lip for a while. And actually don't shave my face at all - just neck - so that the mustache growing under embarrassing circumstances isn't too conspicuous.

But the beard is an irritant in itself. I always wind up shaving within a week, at the first opportunity. The beard doesn't stick around long enough to become a look. Hasn't since college.


susan said...

Every so often, although not very often in recent years I get one of those too. The trick I found that works best (for me, anyway) is to use something that will dry the thing out rather than using ointment. A little rubbing alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide on a clean piece of tissue stings a bit but you don't wind up having the blister get greasy or spread further. I'll keep my fingers crossed you get no more of them.

Ben said...

Thanks for the advice. It would probably be pretty simple to get a bottle of rubbing alcohol the next time something like that happens. It does tend to go away or subside within a few days anyway, and that's what happened this time too. That would just be a way to encourage the process a little.