Sunday, December 30, 2018


Have I talked about Pepper? I might have.

Pepper is a cat, black with white paws and belly. She belongs to my downstairs neighbor.

With cats it can be hard to tell the difference between skittish and playful. When I enter the stairwell from outside she sometimes runs up or down the stairs away from me, but sometimes lingers. I do pet her when I get the chance, and tonight put my nose right up to hers. So maybe we're building trust.

I won't try to pick her up, though. I'm not suicidal.


susan said...

There's a big orange cat who lives somewhere nearby whose name is Chester. We know that because every so often someone would be outside calling that name and, so far as I know, there are no loose children (or adults) just hanging around outside. We always stop to pat Chester when we see him, attention he always accepted but didn't seem to need. Then one day as we walked around the corner we noticed him sitting on a wall down the block. As soon as he saw us he hopped down and came running up for his pat. I guess we made a friend, but you're right, you never know for sure with a cat.

Happy New Year 💕✨

Ben said...

Cats as a rule seem to take longer warming to a new person. Perhaps a matter of self-sufficiency. Although if it came right down to it dogs could survive in the wild too. Well, medium size dogs. Don't know about pocket chihuahuas. Anyway, it sounds like Chester is a good neighbor to have.

And Happy New Year! Better hopes for '19.