Sunday, July 22, 2018


Today I was waiting for a bus with a woman and her daughter. The daughter, you could see if you looked closely, had Down syndrome. Does that have anything to do with this story? I'm not sure, which is why I'm just leaving that detail here.

The bus wasn't really late. If there's a day the bus is going to be late, Sunday ain't it. But they didn't necessarily know that. The daughter was getting antsy. The thing is, while she was impatient about it, she had a charming way of being impatient.She was rocking back and forth, singing something like "Bus please get here, bus please get here." There are lots of times when people vocally freaking about the bus being late annoys me, because obviously that's not going to help. But there was just something so disarming about this child, something sort of joyful. When the bus did make it self visible I turned to them and said, "Must have heard you."


susan said...

It sounds like she'd made up a little magic song to make the bus come faster and perhaps it served her too as a way of passing the time between. Good remark by you.

Ben said...

Yes, she had a much more charming way of dealing with the issue than your standard bitching and moaning. And as an introvert in a disconnected world I'll take little moments of connection where they come.