Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Perro y gato

So there's a dog and a cat in this Spanish short. Their hipster owners smoke half a joint, then go out without roaching it. The dog and cat get high and then...

Well, I doubt that second hand cannabis smoke would have much of an effect unless they were really close. Certainly not the hallucinations seen here, not without some strong additives. In general, though, don't leave stuff burning in your apartment when you go out.


susan said...

For one thing that joint looked like an unfiltered cigarette and for another you're right about the effect from a distance. I'm thinking the guy must have put some DMT in their kibble. Leaving anything burning when you go out is definitely a bad idea - I won't even leave anything battery charging if we're not here (or asleep).

Thanks so much for the George Carlin 'Germs' video. We both enjoyed watching it again.

Now here's something you might like - a kindergarten class in China cooperating. Pretty impressive, eh and if that wasn't enough how about these tots at China's Got Talent (all wearing Michael Jordan's #23)? It appears the Chinese really like basketball.

Ben said...

Yeah, I'm sure it was an unfiltered cigarette. The filmmakers probably didn't want to use up their stash making a short movie. I could buy the kibble being laced with something, although I wouldn't recommend doing this, either. I don't really have a problem with charging batteries when I'm out/asleep, but that's because it's just routine stuff like making sure my laptop and minivac can work.

Yeah, the Carlin germs clip seemed like it would appeal to you as well as me.

Those Chinese kindergarteners are impressive. Seems like it would take a lot of practice. I know that some Chinese players have come into the NBA, so it's not entirely news to me that basketball is popular in that country.