Thursday, January 2, 2020


Commuting by bus through the non-yuppie parts of an urban area, you hear things. Today, for example, I heard a lady angrily yelling, "I'm in a committed relationship with my boyfriend AND Jesus!" I'm not entirely sure what anyone else was supposed to do with that information. Anyway, I took the liberty of passing it on.


susan said...

It's not like the two are mutually exclusive.

Was she talking to herself, I wonder? What with smartphones and earbuds it can be hard to tell. Crazy's always an option too.

Ben said...

She wasn't talking to herself. Well, not technically. She was yelling at this young black dude whom she was accusing of trying to hit on her, not supported by any evidence. He was a little weird, but she was, well...

Anyway, you don't get in the middle of this kind of thing if you don't have to.