Monday, January 6, 2020


Finding out that cryptograms are both harder and easier than crosswords. Like, it would probably be a mess if I tried solving one in pen. Yet once they give you those three key letter substitutions, it's just a few minutes to solving, usually.

Anyway, it's through a cryptogram I rediscovered this Steven Wright joke.

"I put a skylight in my apartment. The people who live above me are furious."

And that does make life better.


susan said...

Solving cryptograms sounds pretty neat - I'd like them better than Sudoku myself because I tend to be more word and phrase oriented. I was always pretty good at solving the hidden phrases on that old tv game show 'Wheel of Fortune'. I think you did too.

It's cool the answer to that one was a Steven Wright quip. He was very cool and once I start looking up his remarks it's hard to choose a favorite.

How about: All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

Ben said...

Sudoku is something I've never gotten into. It seems like I'd either be completely stumped by it or - perhaps less probably - it would soon lose any challenge. Anyway, I like the in-between level of difficulty better.

I've heard that when he was a neophyte comic he spoke in that consciously low-key way in order to calm his jitters and found out he got more laughs that way. Could be true, I don't know.

Just read that last joke again and laughed again.