Friday, March 22, 2019

Whole lotta shakin' goin' on

You know what they say about March coming in like a lion but going out like a lamb. Well, the lamb has not arrived yet. We're getting some epically windy nights.

Now the apartment building I live in has been around for a while. And as can happen with old houses, some things are loose. Windows, for example. I've been hearing them rattle when the wind picks up. One in the living room, especially, facing the buildings across the street. Also the window in the bathroom, that hovers over the shower. It's kind of like they're competing.

Generally this doesn't bother me when I'm in bed on the way to sleep. It might even be comforting. My mind sorts it into the way things ought to be.


susan said...

The worst is when you've left the window open before going to sleep and then awake with the curtain blowing over your head. Chances are spring will get there pretty soon.

Until then keep holding on.

Ben said...

Yeah, I guess that's the risk of having your bed right near the window. If the curtain is actually hitting you in the head or even coming real close to it, that's not the best way to wake up.

I really don't mind winter, or the blustery early days of spring. It is nice to see Woodstock again, though.