Monday, March 4, 2019

Getting to be a habit

Well, it happened again, only moreso.

The Friday night/Saturday snowstorm from my previous post was just a few inches. The Sunday night/Monday storm was more than that. Not a foot, I'd say, but a lot closer. It seems to have postponed garbage day. Or maybe just by a few hours. Whatever, I'm not taking anything back.

Despite all this the roads were pretty clear by mid-afternoon. That also might have been helped by the fact that it hit the high thirties/low forties today.


susan said...

Now if the snowbanks outside looked more like this one you might not mind a couple sticking around a while longer.

Glad to hear you didn't carry your garbage back inside.

Ben said...

Oh wow. That's gorgeous. Not 100% sure it's real in the physical sense, but I love the idea all the same.

No, I do have my limits.