Monday, January 7, 2019

Per anmum

Not as funny right now because I've bottled herself in oblivion.

Okay, wow. The above passage was written probably like 45 minutes after I took NyQuil to make sure I had a restful night. What was I trying to say? Not that, but as a longtime fan of the poetry of Sylvia Plath it's nice to know that I have a little bit of her bubbling under the skin.


susan said...

She was a rare one, brilliant and the only woman listed among the great poets who died young. I think it's just as well you have only a little of her bubbling under your skin. Or maybe it was the Nyquil.

Ben said...

For some reason I thought Emily Dickinson died younger than she did. Not that 56 is a grand old age. Anne Sexton, another suicide, died in her forties anyway.

I think there are odd poetic aspects in - if not all of us, then at least more than are aware of it.