Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Hava Nagila

As of today I am a certified Microsoft Word user. Which I guess is the closest I can expect to giving a bar mitzvah speech.

Taking certification exams for software is kind of nerve wracking. There's a lot of factors that go into it. Certainly the fact that the questions on the final diverge greatly from those on the practice tests is part of it. And you can't look anything up.

The first sight of that passing grade, though, brings a profound relief.


susan said...

Congratulations on your well earned achievement. Taking exams is rarely an enjoyable endeavor so your relief is perfectly undestandable.

Perhaps now is the time to share one of the best anonymous quotes I've seen in a long while. It goes like this:

'The man who invented autocorrect should burn in hello.'

Ben said...

Some kinds of thinking come naturally enough to me that I don't mind being tested on them. Doesn't necessarily mean I'll seek it out, but you know. Official software tests aren't like that, though. I think they want to catch you up. I doubt many people ace them. The idea is that people who get a C-B average on the exam should be A-level once you add the ability to Google.

I like that quote.