Friday, September 8, 2017

The key to happiness

I've been re-watching the second season of Happy Endings really for the first time since it went off the air a few years ago. I remembered it as being very funny. It's committed to being nothing more or less than a show with a lot of well-written jokes, and one where every character has good chemistry with every other one. When it first started it was supposed to be a rom-com about a couple who split up when she left him at the altar, and how they learn to deal with this. As a focal point this was kind of dull, and the four supporting characters were a lot more fun. Taking the hint, the writers put that premise in the background for the most part. They also made the erstwhile romantic leads more eccentric, essentially making everyone a wacky supporting character. Expectedly or not, this worked a lot better.

It's well-suited for home video, too, given how easy it is to miss one of the funny throwaway lines. They come fast.


susan said...

As soon as I saw you'd written about a tv show called Happy Endings I was reminded of Happy Days. Not that I can remember watching many episodes of that one either but they did a good job of describing growing up in the 1950s to kids in the 70s. Do you think this show will be remembered with fondness in forty years? You've certainly made it sound interesting and worthwhile for our time.

Ben said...

Well, it's hard to tell without the benefit of hindsight. Happy Days definitely made its mark in the time it was on. I remember reading that the Fonz's leather jacket had been installed in the Smithsonian Institution. I can really only speak to my own reactions, which found this pretty hilarious.