Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Great grey skies

It seems the boys and girl in Finn Riggins are back with a new EP, represented with this song that I really dig. As to the video, I generally distrust singers who look serious while lip-syncing serious lyrics, but I can overlook it in this case. Especially when you have these proud views of the gloriously bleak Idaho landscape.


susan said...

I like their label name - Tender Loving Empire pretty much says it all.

It's a nice song and the scenery great but Boise, Idaho isn't a place I'd like to stay.

Ben said...

From what I understand Tender Loving Empire is basically an arts and crafts shop in Portland. That adds to the appeal for me.

I see what you mean about Boise. It's sort of like how I wouldn't move to Oklahoma, but there's something special about RA Lafferty
living there. It's nice to have ambassadors.