Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Midnight (of the soul) snack

First the peanut butter, a proposed repeal of the 17th amendment to the US Constitution, so that Senators don't feel pressured to do things for their loser constituents.

Then the jelly, a Texas Tea Party attempt to oust the state legislature's Jewish Republican speaker because code word innuendo code word. Ever suspect that the big reason the Christian right loves Israel so much is that it's so fucking far away?

Find some white bread to bind these together, and Texas may never have to send a Hebrew to the Senate. That's just special.


susan said...

George Carlin once said the best thing about the death penalty in Texas was fewer Texans.

Ben said...

I've heard it said about some people that they love words too much to waste them. That's an apt description of George Carlin.