Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Petting zoo

Is Donald Trump getting good advice? Maybe not. He managed an upset victory in 2016 while breaking all the apparent rules, so he might think another such victory is inevitable. But it is possible to screw this thing up, and he might be doing it.

The Haiti/duck/rabbit thing is a case in point. There was never even much natural smoke there, never mind a fire. It's an urban legend, and while you can see making an offhand joking reference to it at a rally, there's something suicidal about insisting this is really happening at a televised debate when you're surrounded by hostile fact checkers. 

Then there's the AI slop, which can make one regret having eyes. It's great for advertising the concept of virality, but not much else. This is the kind of thing that happens when you think Elon Musk is your bestest buddy. But Musk is like Israel in that he's got his no matter who's in office. What are his real incentives?

Turning yourself into a caricature does appeal to people who are already on your side and/or who like the caricature. But it doesn't broaden your appeal.


susan said...
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susan said...
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susan said...

It's a bit too soon to say Trump has screwed up the
advantage he had in 2016 but it is possible. He was
like a force of nature then just blowing his Republican
opponents off the stage. Then he did the same with
Hillary. Back then the Democrats didn't take him
seriously at all and now they do. Besides, he's had
eight years of being persecuted every which way
by them and the major western media.

That was apparent during the debate this week
when he was 'fact checked' continuously by the
moderators. Remember who makes up the 'facts'
as Jer said this afternoon - the Washington Post
and the NY Times - and if it ain't there it ain't a fact.
Here's the Western Lensman with some examples
of how that happened, although the web and
twitter/x have many more today. I've even heard it
said Trump may have lost tv but he won the internet.

Here's Quoth the Raven about why the attacks will backfire.

There were some believable reports about the goose
and duck thing in Ohio but the better story came from
Aurora, CO last week with credible reports about
Venezuelan gang members having taken over several
apartment buildings. (Did you notice there were no legal
actions taken against Eric Adams' administration in NYC
until he complained about the expense of ruling
a 'sanctuary city?) There's no doubt a number of
criminals were released and sent north - some could
get up to anything and ducks are the least of it.

I have nothing to offer about the Newsweek thing.
...and I don't believe Trump has lost supporters. The only
trick I see is that the powers that be are looking for a way
to steal the election in a way people will believe
- like last time. Americans aren't as easily fooled
nowadays, or are they?

Sorry, I'm not doing well adding links.