Saturday, September 7, 2024

It adds up

Grocery visits where you actually buy something take longer now. Specifically those where you're just getting one or two things, or not much more than that. This is because long term the COVID lockdowns ended up killing the whole idea of express lanes. The only (allegedly) faster and more convenient option are the self-checkout aisles, which I don't want to use for various reasons. It would be nice if the stores hired enough to replace the cashiers they know longer have, How to make this happen I don't quite know.

1 comment:

susan said...

You're right. There's no such thing as express checkout
lanes around here either so I don't imagine they're
anywhere else in N. America. If we notice somebody
behind us in line with just one or two items we'll let
them go ahead. Why are they always surprised?

I've considered trying to sabotage self-checkout
so they'll get rid of the things but I'd likely get caught
if I did try. Besides, they probably wouldn't get rid of
the things either.