Sunday, January 7, 2024


It started snowing last night. By the time I went to bed it was already obvious that we were going to get some accumulation. I looked out the window and across the street saw a white rabbit. No, not that one. Just a bunny looking to get home, I guess. Hopped across the street, where there luckily was no traffic. 

If the rabbit lives in an underground hutch the snow could have made it a problem getting back. I hope it was able to find some workable solution. Probably did.


susan said...

A white rabbit in a snowstorm crossing the street, eh? That's got to be one of the more bizarre sightings I've heard of bar none. Glad to know it wasn't THAT white rabbit being chased by the Red Queen's pack of guards.

In the time we've lived here in Victoria we've only seen a rabbit three times - twice in the park and once by the cliffwalk path. You were lucky.

Both of us really enjoyed reading this review of Trump's appearance in Sioux City by Matt Taibbi. Not only is it great but it explains a lot.

Ben said...

When it thaws out I'm not going to hold my breath waiting to see anyone playing croquet with flamingo mallets and hedgehogs as balls. Which I also wouldn't recommend, of course.

It was a nifty sight on a quiet winter night. I do feel lucky.

Taibbi does a good job getting at Trump's appeal. People are tired of politicians, including the ones who say they aren't politicians but obviously are. He gives them some relief from that.