Monday, January 1, 2024

Armed floof


This is a creature I just learned about recently. The Pallas's cat, also known as the manul. As the narrator notes, their spending so much time in the cold hunting for food that can so easily get away must grate a little.

I've read Jared Diamond say that all domesticable animals are alike while every non-domesticable animal is non-domesticable in its own way. (Probably a paraphrase on my part.) My understanding is that domestic cats come from African wildcat stock. Could these cats found in Central Asia and Russia have been domesticated? They're gorgeous, but I don't know who would volunteer to be the first to try it.


susan said...

That was a very neat little video - David Attenborough has the most elegant delivery. The Pallas's cat really is lovely but probably not domesticable. I'm thinking it might be even more difficult to have one cuddle than it is with these guys. I love the way the dad keeps his head covered while his son films the group hug.

Bad times, hard times - this is what people keep saying; but let us live well and times shall be good. We are the times. Such as we are, such are the times.
~ St Augustine of Hippo

Good advice, eh?

Ben said...

Unlike his brother, David Attenborough has never been an actor and never wanted to be, but he does have the elocution part covered. You're probably right that the Pallas cat will remain a beautiful oddity, not a household pet. Not sure why the dad in the civet video needed to cover his head but not torso. Bad sunburn on his face?

That is a nice bit of wisdom from Augustine. Among other things he was a great thinker and writer. He's also the one who said, "An unjust law is no law at all."