Monday, August 14, 2023

Veritas or something

Tonight at a bus stop I heard a very short, slight man say that his tour of duty in the Marines had ended the day the Twin Towers came down. This was apparently on September 11, 2011. Just before that I was on a bus with a rock star who'd been on <i>The Ellen DeGeneres<i> show and met Elizabeth Montgomery there. Everyone's favorite nose twiddler died eight years before Ellen got a talk show, but you can't keep a good woman down.

If you want to talk to guys who turn into Baron Munchhausen after four beers, take public transit on a holiday only your state observes, and pretty much just government workers at that.


susan said...

9.11.11 - a date that will live in infamy.. Oh yes, there must be a batallion of tiny marines somewhere.. somewhere not so easy to find. It is bizarre that one needs go no further than a bus stop to witness delusion.

I wonder if either of these guys was using a smart phone to communicate these fantasies to the world at large? Looking at some of the common questions about subjects on google it's often puzzling just how credulous and ill-informed so many people must be.

Anyhow, since you raised the exaggerations of Baron Munchhausen I wonder if you're familiar with another odd German, Klaus Nomi? He was most definitely a strangely talented young man.

Ben said...

Well, I suppose any date could live in infamy for someone. But there's something about bus stops being very accessible public spaces. That means you'll hear what's on people's minds. Be it positive, negative or just bizarre.

No, both these guys were, whatever else you might want to say of them, gabbing about in the old fashioned way. There are of course people who make a big deal of having phone conversations out in public. They tend to be belligerent people having belligerent confrontations.

That's a memorable performance from Klaus Nomi. It's somehow all the stranger for the fact that his backing band look like they're playing with Steely Dan or the like. He also appeared with David Bowie on SNL.