Monday, June 19, 2023

why just why

You have to wonder what the ACLU was thinking in this case. Who did they think they were talking to?

Opposing the death penalty for everyone in all cases is an honorable position. It's one that the ACLU has advocated basically forever. The biggest advantage is that you don't have to get bogged down in questions of "Why that guy?"

So yes, if you say that Duane Owens shouldn't have been put to death in spite of his truly repugnant crimes, that there's no earthly authority prepared to make that call, you'll get some disagreement. But it's an argument your representatives can take up without embarrassment.

Insisting that the state should have made him look pretty* in his final days , well, that's something else again.

*Right, like that was going to happen.


susan said...

It sounds as if the ACLU like so many other organizations has been infiltrated by woke ideologues. Why and how that happened is something of a mystery but that it will all end in tears seems inevitable.

The man was obviously a sadist. Any thoughtful person is against the death penalty, but the lengths these people go to so as to push their radical trans ideology in addition to trying to gin up sympathy for a convicted murder/rapist is something else and is not going to win anyone over.

Ben said...

Well yeah. Years ago the ACLU would defend the right of Nazis to march in Skokie, Illinois, and even if you didn't like it you could still trust them because they were defending the principle of free speech for all. Now I'm not confident that they would defend that or any other principle on a consistent basis.

Some people tout the death penalty but most I think just want a sign the justice system is on their side rather than the side of the predators. Which is not certain at this point. And then there are those with really nutty priorities, as seen here.