Sunday, June 11, 2023

Another one on the pile

Apple's big new product is, I guess, Apple Vision Pro. Which I guess is some kind of AR/VR device with which you can interface with and control...the usual. Granted, looking like a pair of ski goggles makes it sleeker than the VR headset I saw when I was in college, quite some time ago. And I'm sure a few gamers will be interested. But, well, meh.

But this is the thing. Apple is going hard on advertising on YouTube. They seem to put an ad for it on every other video. And the ad in over nine minutes! Whoever watches the whole thing without skipping is already sold, I assure you.


susan said...

This sounds like yet another attempt to lure us into the Matrix by conditioning us to accept that we can have all our needs met in a virtual world. You can easily imagine someone unplugged after hours of wandering in virtual reality snapping his fingers and uttering his various call words, unthinkingly trying to summon things in the real world. It hardly ever works. Remember Google Glass?

Other than for gaming I think most people aren't going to be very enthusiastic. I think rather than VR I'll stick with RR (real reality) - it's dangerous enough walking around outside.

Ben said...

I do actually remember Google Glass. The fact that GG failed, at least in the general market, always struck me as a bit of good news. But I guess they're not giving up on that general idea. The perverse mysticism coming from that sector--seeming to treat physical reality itself as something to be delivered from with their new product--is beyond creepy. I wonder how many true believers there are vs. salesmen.

Gaming is probably the use that will sell more people on it. Hopefully it won't bother us too much outside of that. The potential for traffic accidents alone...