Monday, January 3, 2022

Here, kitty


Scottish wildcats―or highland tigers as they're sometimes known―are extremely endangered. Hopefully the decline can be reversed. Who knows?

Mind you, cute they may be, but you want to be very careful if you're around them. They sometimes charge humans out of the blue, and they do have enough natural weaponry to do some damage. African wildcats, the ultimate source of our domestic cats, must have had a different quality.


susan said...

They certainly appear to be as cute as normal kittens but I get the point their appearance is deceptive. Twice as big as housecats, eh? Even they sport claws and sharp teeth. Hopefully the efforts being made to save the species will be successful.

Ben said...

They're worth preserving, I think.

When you think about it, if cats were the size of say, German shepherds, they'd be formidable hunters indeed. Also, most humans would be too nervous to be around them. So to the extent that they benefit from being ubiquitous housepets, it also serves their interests to remain small.