Monday, September 27, 2021

As vast as space and as timeless as infinity

This morning, sitting in a conference room in a building I had never been before. I was waiting for a couple of women who were going to orient me on my assignment. My attention flitted from thing to thing, but I couldn't help notice the wall clock. Functioning normally at first, but then the hands stopped moving. For an extended period the minute hand just stayed frozen after the 12. But at some point it started up again, and when I looked again it didn't even seem to be running behind.

Makes me wonder offhand how often things like this happen.


susan said...

Hmm.. You've reminded me of the clocks at my high school that didn't run smoothly. Instead, they'd hesitate between clicks from one minute to the next. It was maddening during boring classes and especially so when you were waiting for the bell to ring.

I hope it's something interesting they gave you to do.

Ben said...

The adage that "a watched pot never boils" primarily refers to subjective reality of course. Things seem to take forever when you're waiting for them to finish. The clock your high school had must have been eerie because it was like looking at a pot that knew it was being watched and refused to boil because of it.

I'm sure I did some paper shredding the first day. A few things have been added since then. It's a pretty good gig. Not complaining about having tomorrow off, though.