Monday, August 2, 2021

They can't really be trained, but your expectations can be


Okay, this topic has been covered plenty of places, but still...

The above ad used to run in comic books everywhere. The illustration, of course, implied that you'd have a humanoid race living in your fish tank. If you looked more closely you were at least led to expect trainable animals. What they were really selling was brine shrimp. Brine shrimp that didn't always even come to life when you put them in water. 

How did this company never have their headquarters burned to the ground?

1 comment:

susan said...

That's a very funny description of how these things
were portrayed compared to the reality.

As I'm sure you're aware, although 'sea monkeys' may have been the most outrageous example, there were others equally attention getting like 'x-ray glasses', for instance. They'd usually have an image of somebody looking at a lady's underwear. Regulations likely wouldn't allow them to show other possibilities. Then there were the ads selling 6 square inches of land in sunny Florida as a great investment opportunity. For your dollar plus the price of a stamp they'd send you a deed.

Probably the only reason these businesses weren't
ignited was they couldn't be found.