Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Checking out for the night

This is one of those blog posts where I tell you there's no real blog post because I'm on drowsy-making cold medicine. The good news is that, knock on wood, I'll be getting a good restful sleep tonight. The better news is that soon I'll be back, refreshed, inspired. Look out, world.


susan said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I'd send you some hot soup but it likely wouldn't be warm by the time it got there.

It's supposed to be unusually cold there this week. Try to keep warm.

In case you need to see real time representations of weather events here's a forecast page I have bookmarked. I never believe it's a storm until I can see it.

Ben said...

Thank you. It's just one of those things. The winter or cold months in general start off this way, then I'm fine through the rest of it. I did have hot soup for lunch recently, and enjoyed it immensely.

There've been some crazy cold days. Today sees like it's going to be coolish. Probably about what you'd expect for this time of year. That Ventusky site is actually kind of pretty.