Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The call

Phone calls and phone messages from the Providence Community Library, letting you know your requests are in, are one of life's little pleasures around here. These are, technically, robocalls. Which is to be expected. They have limited resources, and can't call everyone who requested a book or movie personally. Still, the voice is human, so someone spoke into the recorder. Someone with a distinct RI accent. I wonder if I've met them.


susan said...

That is a nice thing, even a small gesture of human contact is far better than automation. We joined the library here but haven't used it much yet but in Halifax we'd get an email when a book or movie was available for pickup. Interestingly, we noticed a huge dropoff in robocalls once we moved to Canada.

Ben said...

Robocalls are a strange thing. They annoy me, sure. But more than that they baffle me. A lot of the time if I hear them on my answering machine they start before there's a beep, so part of the message is lost. I have to imagine most people just hang up if they pick up the phone and hear one, so you don't move much product or whatever.

You can use the library system a lot or a little. Some just don't. It's nice to have the resource, though.