Saturday, March 2, 2019


We had snow starting last night and for a good part of today. Not exactly "snowmageddon" levels. They were predicting six inches, which seems about right.

Libraries, at least the ones we have around here, tend to have a low threshold for snow. Therefore, since I'd heard the weather forecast by yesterday, I had a feeling the library was going to be closed today. I made sure to swing by and pick up a couple of things I had ordered from other branches and was waiting to borrow. (One of them being a book called Vampire in Love which I'm pretty sure isn't a horror novel.) So the medium snow was only a minor disruption for me.


susan said...

I wonder what it is about librarians that makes them so susceptible to a fear of snow. Could it be a fear of blank pages, perhaps?

I just looked up Vampire in Love and it sounds pretty interesting.

I hope winter there ends soon.

Ben said...

Good one. :) It's not the librarians, though, or at least not most of the time. I once saw the library closed because of a light dusting several hours earlier, and someone who worked there put a sign up saying how ridiculous it was.''

I've really enjoyed a couple of his novels, so I have hopes for the short story collection.